Account Application Form
This application form is for individual or Company applicants. If there are more than two applicants please, ask for an additional form.
Before we can open your account, we need to verify your identity and the original source of funds you are depositing with us. If your application is incomplete or supporting documentation is missing, it may take us longer to open your account.
Please complete in ink and use Block capitals. "You will need to tick where applicable and delete where appropriate.
Section 1 - Personal details
Section 2 - Account details
Please select the account(s) you wish to open (All of the options specified below are also applicable for offshore account relationship)
Section 3 - acctivity
This section must be completed. The information provided enable us to better understand the transactions passing through your account, if the information provided is not clear or is not consistent with other information provided, we may have to ask you for clarification. This may in turn delay the processing of your application.
(Please be specified with the reason for the opening of the account. If question "A" & "B" are the same please, leave "B" blank.
Please indicate the ORIGINAL source of funds, i.e. source of the funds expected to be credited, deposited, transferred or paid into your account (Please send in any appropriate documentation to confirm the source of funds)
Please specify the average amount (sum) intended to be transact from/to your account and specify t he periodic interval
Section 4 - Next of Kin
Next of Kin
Section 5 - Account information
Choose Account Currency (Tick Appropriately)
When WOC Finance Company Limited opens my account, i would like to receive my Account Details via:
To conduct my business with WOC Finance Company Limited, i would like to sign up for the management of my account through the internet bank. I would also like an internet logon ID and Password sent to me via email together with my Access codes.